Different ways to encrypt and decrypt database connection string within configuration in C#
Different ways to encrypt and decrypt database connection string within configuration in C# What is Encryption and Decryption ? Encryption involves transforming a regular message (plaintext) into an incomprehensible message (Ciphertext), while Decryption is the process of reversing this, converting the Ciphertext back into its original form (Plaintext). The key difference between encryption and decryption lies in the conversion of a message into an unintelligible form that remains indecipherable until decrypted, and decryption is the retrieval of the original message from the encrypted data. 1 . ChustaSoft Open-Source community This tool allows to encrypt configuration sections on app.settings files, and decrypt the information in runtime adding those configuration as a singleton inside the application. Here are the steps to accomplish it: 1. Install ChustaSoft....